Keller Williams Preferred Realty - Red Wing Homes for Sale Team
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Company Profile

Meet Our Expert Real Estate Team at Red Wing Homes for Sale! We're so proud to be the highest-producing real estate team in Goodhue County. with over 37 years of local expertise ready to help you achieve your real estate goals ? Led by Broker John Rohan & top producer Isaac Rohan, our team at Red Wing Homes for Sale is dedicated to providing exceptional service to clients in Red Wing and beyond. We believe in the power of teamwork. With a diverse group of licensed real estate agents, each specializing in different areas, we offer comprehensive services to meet your unique needs. Plus, we have a full-time transaction coordinator and marketing specialist to ensure a smooth experience for our clients from start to finish. Whether you're buying or selling, trust our team to guide you through the process with expertise and care. Get to know us better below!
Vendor Recommendations
A curated selection of vendors that we trust and recommend for various services.
Vendor Recommendations
We've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out!
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